Chiropractic treatment
Treating with chiropractic adjustment
Chiropractic adjustments are performed in order to help normalize joint function. They positively affect the surrounding neurological receptors and help decrease pain and muscle spasm. They also help restore your body’s natural range of motion.
Chiropractic Adjustments can be performed manually with the use of the hands or with a variety of other hand-held instruments. At Kinetic Health & Injury Specialists we use a variety of both as there is often more than one way to move or reposition a misaligned joint. Patient preference is always our first priority, but pain, muscle spasms, tenderness and other factors may lead one type of adjustment technique to be more favorable than another.
Often machines and technology can help us do things better, faster and more efficiently. A hand-held Arthrostim, for example, is an adjustment instrument that can be used when patients are in a lot of pain, joints are stiff or soft tissues are just too inflamed and sensitive for traditional, manual chiropractic techniques.
Instrument adjusting allows us to provide safe, low force, effective treatment options for patients of all ages including infants to the elderly. They also make Chiropractic Care possible for those who prefer no popping, cracking or twisting of the spine most associated with traditional Chiropractic Manual Medicine.
Hot and cold packs relief strategies
Hot and Cold Packs can provide quick and easy pain and symptom relief. They’re easy to apply and the same hot or cold pack can be used over and over many times. When Do I Use Hot or Cold? As a general rule, apply ice to new injuries and heat to older, longer-standing conditions.
Cold for New Injuries
What Cold Therapy should feel like:
• First stage: Cold, lasting about one to two minutes.
• Second stage: Warmer, lasting about five minutes.
• Third stage: Pain, lasting just a few seconds.
• Final stage: Numb, the most important stage.
By numbing the area, you are helping to control the swelling and slow down the
production of pain chemicals. This helps promote faster healing, decreases the number of likely adhesions and reduces the amount of scar tissue formation.
Remember, the entire icing session should not exceed 15 minutes so as to not bruise the tissues.
Heat for Old Injuries
Heat is mostly recommended for older, long-standing conditions and is actually
CONTRAINDICATED in new or acute injuries because it increases blood flow and circulation and can increase already existing inflammation. This is why you commonly hear “ice and elevate” a sprained ankle.
Electronic muscle stimulation (ems)
Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is a passive therapeutic modality commonly used in the treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions. EMS can be very beneficial for both old and new injuries and helps reduce muscular pain, stiffness and spasm.
Less pain and spasm then leads to an increase in range of motion and flexibility. This helps the body pump inflammation out of the swollen tissues and aids in bringing proper nutrition to the healing joints.
EMS works by attaching small sticky pads to the skin overlying the affected treatment area. A small amount of electric current is then passed through the pads until a light tingling sensation if felt. This sensation is then increased to a comfortable level and until the pain is no longer noticeable.
Arthrostim and other instrument adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments can be performed manually, by use of the hands, or also via an Arthrostim, Activator or other instrument adjustments. The intent is to move, reposition and realign the specific joint being treated. Sometimes the patient has too much pain, muscle spasm or tenderness in an injured area for the practitioner to use his hands to manually adjust the area.
Sometimes machines and technology can do things better and faster than we can do as humans with our hands. The Arthrostim and other instruments can be used to great advantage when patients are in a lot of pain, joints are stiff and tissues are too inflamed or manual treatment. Think of a newly sprained ankle that is swollen and tender to the touch.
Instrument adjustments allow us to provide a safe,effective, non painful treatment for injured joints while using very comfortable treatment options that don’t make the pain worse. This leads to a decrease in treatment time and faster recovery without aggravating already sensitive and painful treatment areas. As with any treatment option we have available to you in our office, we take the Hippocratic Oath of “First do no harm” to mean no therapy or procedure should ever be painful, uncomfortable or make your condition worse.
Intersegmental mechanical traction
Intersegmental Mechanical Traction (IST) is a passive therapeutic modality used to increase intersegmental mobility throughout the spine. The therapy increases blood flow and oxygen to the intervertebral discs and is commonly used following a Motor Vehicle Accident, Work Injury and even uncomplicated neck and back pain.
Intersegmental Mechanical Traction is commonly referred to as “the roller table” because the therapy is performed while you are lying on your back with a pillow for your head and a cushion behind your knees. A soft roller then passes gently up and down your spine for a period of 12-15 minutes. The pressure from the roller slowly arches and stretches your back from the top of your neck all the way down to your tailbone.
Patients often report falling asleep due to the natural rhythmic, soothing
effect of the treatment.
Mechanical Intersegmental Traction can also be used to improve spinal balance, spinal strength, mobility and overall spinal function. It also aids in accelerating the recovery process from traumatic injuries such as those related to Car Accidents, Work Injuries and Sports related injuries. Life is motion and when joints are not functioning and moving properly, muscle spasms, joints pains and fixations are common consequences.